Cytisus austriacus L. Subsp. pygmaeus (Willd.)Briq.
Status: Accepted
Genus: Cytisus L.
Tribe: Cytiseae
Rank: Subsp.
Subspecies: pygmaeus
Subspecies authority: (Willd.)Briq.
References: [2186]
Other names:
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Europe)ESFEDS
- 1993 Bisby FA
- Scrutinised globally by taxonomic co-ordinator:
- 1991/1993 Cristofolini G & Feoli L
Geographical Distribution:
- Endemic to the Med-Checklist area. [454]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 13:22:48