Crotalaria capensis Jacq.
Status: Accepted
Genus: Crotalaria L.
Tribe: Crotalarieae
References: [461][1915]
Other names:
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Africa)Lock JM
- 1990(New Zealand & Pacific)Horn P
- 1993 Polhill RM
- 1993(Indian Ocean)Lock JM & Ireland H
- Conservation Status:
Geographical Distribution:
- Pacific Ocean [2265]
- New Zealand(North) [2265]
- Records from Zaire very dubious (Polhill, 1982, ref.461).
- Cultivated on Reunion & Mauritius until the beginning of the 19th Century. [1915]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 13:07:56