Indigofera spicata Forsskal
Status: Accepted
Genus: Indigofera L.
Tribe: Indigofereae
References: [347][1056][2667]
Other names:
Common Names:
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Africa)Lock JM
- 1988(Americas)Zarucchi JL
- 1993 Polhill RM
- 1993(Indian Ocean)Lock JM & Ireland H
- Scrutinised globally by taxonomic co-ordinator:
- Conservation Status:
- Section:
- Indigofera sect. Alternifoliae Harv. [2654]
Geographical Distribution:
- Africa [2667]
- Central African Rep. [2667]
- I.hendecaphylla Jacq. now considered distinct but attribution of chemical
- records difficult [2298]
- I.neglecta N.E.Br. may deserve intraspecific rank. [2298]
- Subsection Alternifoliae. [2654]
- Descrptns in [210 & 1915] refer to I.spicata Forssk. and I.hendecaphylla Jacq. [2654]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 13:03:06