Faidherbia albida (Del.)A.Chev.
Status: Accepted
Genus: Faidherbia A.Chev.
Tribe: Ingeae
References: [1939]
Other names:
Common Names:
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Africa)Lock JM
- 1993 Polhill RM
- Conservation Status:
- Domestic [62]
- Environmental [62]
- Food and Drink [62]
- Forage [62]
- Medicine [62]
- Toxins [62]
- Wood [62]
Geographical Distribution:
- South Atlantic & S.Oceans
- Two unnamed races distinguished by Wickens (1969 - Ref 62).
- May occur in Libya (or may be extinct). (Wickens 1969 - ref.62).
- Bibliography in reference associated with this note [561]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 12:47:45