Lespedeza juncea (L.f.)Pers. Var. sericea (Thunb.)Lace & Hauech
Status: Accepted
Genus: Lespedeza Michaux
Tribe: Desmodieae
Rank: Var.
Subspecies: sericea
Subspecies authority: (Thunb.)Lace & Hauech
References: [1914][1938]
Other names:
Common Names:
- Japanese Bush Clover [1753]
- Sericea Lespedeza [1902]
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Africa Update)Lock JM
- 1993 Polhill RM
- Scrutinised globally by taxonomic co-ordinator:
- 1996 Ohashi H & Tateishi Y
- Conservation Status:
- Chemical products [261]
- Forage [261]
Geographical Distribution:
- Extensively used in agriculture in USA [1938]
- Drought tolerant and grows well on acid soils high in aluminium. [2909]
- Remarkably free of insect and pest damage and does not cause bloat. [2909]
- Its high tannin content can reduce digestibility of crude protiens. [2909]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 14:19:32