Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)De Wit Subsp. leucocephala
Status: Accepted
Genus: Leucaena Benth.
Tribe: Mimoseae
Rank: Subsp.
Subspecies: leucocephala
Subspecies authority: (Lam.)De Wit
References: [2919]
Common Names:
- Habit:
- Lifespan:
- Stems:
- Source(s):
- 1988(Americas)Zarucchi JL
- 1999-01 Heald J
- Scrutinised globally by taxonomic co-ordinator:
- Conservation Status:
Geographical Distribution:
- Central America [2919] [3081]
- Mexico(North & Central) [2919]
- Mexico(South East) [2919]
- Introduced from Mexico to the Philippines, possibly before 1600. [2919]
- By late 1800's had spread or been introduced throughout Asia and Africa. [2919]
- Now recorded from the majority of tropical & subtropical countries. [2919]
- Naturalised and weedy in more than 20 countries. [2919]
- An aggressive coloniser of ruderal sites & secondary or disturbed vegetation. [2919]
- In some places, e.g. Hawaii, it forms extensive, dense, monospecific thickets. [2919]
- Classified amongst the 12 worst serious alien invaders on Hawaii. [2919]
- Introduced and spread across tropics much earlier than subsp. glabrata. [2919]
- More widely naturalised than subsp. glabrata. [2919]
- Corresponds to the 'Common' type recognised by agronomists. [2919]
Last Update: 14/06/2001 14:15:39