Welcome to ILDIS, the International Legume Database & Information Service

Legumes of Northern Eurasia

Welcome to the ILDIS CD-Rom page.

You may obtain further information about the ILDIS Legumes of Northern Eurasia CD-Rom, including support for known problems on various machine configurations and free software upgrades, from either of the following sites:

The information also includes notes on the Virtual Herbarium demonstration on the CD.

If you would like to order a copy of the CD, including the ILDIS data set for the legumes of Northern Eurasia (former Soviet Union), please note the following:

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ILDIS Copyright © 1999 by International Legume Database & Information Service. All rights reserved.

This page was designed and prepared by Richard White and last edited on 9th March 1999. It resides on a server run by the School of Biological Sciences in the University of Southampton. Any views expressed in these pages are not necessarily those of the University of Southampton.